Friday 25 May 2012

Day 88 - The last transport at Buchenwald from Auschwitz and the Russian advance!

Please Note:

You may not want to read this particular blog if you had relatives who died in Auschwitz or Buchenwald concentration camps or any other camp!

"One day, the German criminal and I, had a disagreement about our places at the table and he threatened me.  Soon after this unhappy incident he accused me of stealing bread from my fellow prisoners.  It seemed to me that, in a moment of spiteful anger, he was going to get even with me about the earlier disagreement!  It had now become a very personal conflict and was quickly  beginning to look like an enraged passion play!

He appeared to be very irritated and I thought perhaps this was due to my reaction at his provocation.  Later, we found out that he was a suspected "ferret".  In his eagerness to frame me he had placed my hat near the cupboard where the bread was missing.  The inference, of course, was that I was the culprit - it was too obvious to be true!

Meanwhile, the group now proceeded to set a trap for the rat that he was - it was much better done than what I could have managed as I was still under stress.  The worry and trouble over this incident took over my plan of escaping and I had also caught a virus at the same time.  I started feeling very sick with a high temperature - I had caught typhoid fever.  Probably after having climbed over the dead and dying who had recently arrived from Auschwitz.  

These prisoners had been quickly assembled on a last transport due to the imminent and rapid Russian advance.  A "foregone conclusion".  These poor  human survivors just came in and expired at Buchenwald.  Their conditions were appalling -  they were dying and lying in their own excrement in specially fenced off areas.  The Germans were afraid to catch the diseases too; typhus, disentry and diarhroea.

Well, I guess I had caught the lot, what a moment!  They all thought I was a goner - I was delirious and spiritually I was now far away from worldly  surroundings... "

To be continued ...

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