Saturday 19 May 2012

Day 85 - Still on Buchenwald's Extermination List!

"Our extermination was still on their priority list.  The Resistance insisted on arms being dropped by our Allies as their armies were now getting closer and closer to us every day.  Regarding our survival at the end, we didn't trust the intentions of the S.S.if it came to the crunch so we needed to be armed!

Our aim was to expand and hang on as long as we could with the few weapons we had at our disposal.  The hope was that we would be able to hold out until the Allied armies could come to our rescue.  By now, most of our former transports were sadly depleted to a ridiculous level.  The assembly of the considerable number of transports still left would be difficult for us to handle if it came to it!

In addition, it would be a mammoth task to entice many of the prisoners to become involved in a revolt within the camp.  In fact, it  probably could only be accomplished if the people involved in the camp resistance would agree to openly and fully commit themselves. Our hope now was that, if necessary, determined leadership would bring our plan to fruition.

Eventually, through the camp resistance, I was transferred to Weimer Police Garage on transport in order to hopefully make a quick getaway!  I was briefed on how and what to do in order to have a chance at saving myself by working at the garage!

Someone at the garage had been designated to look after me and help me out.  Fortunately, during my past experience at the technical school, I had gained a little bit of knowledge of welding and had some mechanical aptitude - hopefully everything would work out for me given a chance!

I was now convinced that many of our leaders were secretly involved with, 
The Masons. While I was at the garage, I came to realize that many of the people involved with me and my potential escape were becoming more and more nervous and found the idea of helping me too risky - they were worried that somebody in the "shop", may give them away.

The German Police Officer in charge of the garage, a friendly man, tried to get me into the "Veruretun Ban"!? the police headquarters used as a rehabilitation cente for wounded S.S..

Every night now, Weimer was being bombed.  When we would arrived for work in the morning we were greeted by the watchful eyes of the security guards and their dogs.  The look of the town was changing after each bombing raid!  By now, parachuted mines had knocked whole rows of houses away causing devastation and demoralization of the local people......"

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