Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Day 23 - A Gestapo starts taking snapshots of us at Dax station!

"The little town was teaming with troops and we told the proprietors that permission had been granted, smiling at us they said no need for that and let us enter  They have us a  room under the stairway and entrance.  Well tucked away and with no windows for a quick escape, just a small partridge hole.  We asked the maid to tell us the time early in the morning when she brought the coffee and bread so we could catch the early bus.  There was only one per day and we had to make good on that one.  We couldn't stay around any longer.

The idea was to get off at the coastal zone and begin walking from there as well as selling our luggage to make extra cash. The rest was up to luck, intuition and skill in dodging the patrols from there!

In the morning we were taken completely by surprise as the maid was late.  Then Daniel had to play and flirt with her and I had the feeling that the bus had already left at 7, which it had, and I was already becoming very angry by the minute.  When we arrived at the bus stop we were told it had already left, indeed, and that was the end of my patience.

I said to Daniel, "I have got the feeling that it is not good to stay here another day, so let's take the train and jump from it before it enters the station at Dax", maybe there was a stop before that.  Everything was running out, time and patience as well.  I started to feel very touchy with Daniel.  I couldn't hardly drag my feet anymore yet we were so close to our target.  The other possibillities could still be used if this one failed.  The current decision turned out to be a mistake.

After quarelling back and forth we decided that it was now or never together.  So far alright! The dice was thrown now! After all, this game was nothing but a gamble.  Approaching Dax rolling along at a steady pace everything looked so nice and peaceful and quiet we took a chance to try the station carrying our luck too far!  

We got off the train a short distance before the station.  However, there was no chance at all, we had it, the place was suddenly swarming with troops and  sergeants and officers in plain clothes looking like American tourists, shouting and giving orders.  This was a trap set by the Gestapo and we had fallen right into it.  Just the same I told Daniel to get on the next train.  Suddenly, the usual Gestapo officer that we had seen several times before was in front of us on the platform taking snapshots or pictures of us ..."

To be continued ...

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