Saturday 4 April 2015

Day 180 - Accessing - The Ancient Tower through my dad's memoir....and experiences as well as my own..

© Heather Twining more by Heather Twining
April 2009

Father And Daughter

The bond between father and daughter happens instantly, starting right at birth,
When a father first lays eyes on his little girl he loves her more than anything on this earth,
When a daughter grows older her father is the first man she will love,
And the last one her father will have trouble letting go of,
In her eyes he is the closest thing to God, in her eyes he is a King,
To her father she means the world, she means everything.
When a daughter grows up to be an adult and mature,
Her father will always be there anytime she still needs dad to help her,
To give her advice or just-for anything she will ever need,
The bond between father and daughter is the most important bond indeed,
It cannot be broken when she finds a man, and become his wife,
It cannot be broken even in the ending of either ones life,
A daughter will always have the memories of her father, her best friend
This bond has a beginning, but there is never an end.
The bond between a father and daughter is so profound
The love shared is well renowned,
From the beginning of his daughters life, he is a changed man,
At that moment his life really just began.
From the moment their eyes meet,
two souls instantly become complete.Image result for images for stephen jenkinson quotes

Wednesday 18 March 2015


Hired a car and went to Buchenwald yesterday.  It was different from what I expected......left some balancing Stones on the stump of The Goethe tree. 

I know my dad would be pleased I visited .   I feel I have some closure now I have visited.  It was a lovely sunny, bright day and at times it was hard to imagine and comprehend that the building and surrounding area had seen some very terrible times...... visited The Quarry which is in a very beautiful Setting.......

Talked to a Group of School children and their teacher - one of them was from Belgium and he was very nice and waved goodbye to me in an endearing manner.

Reflected about the Girls from Lille who perished at Auschwitz and asked my dad and the other political prisoners who matched by them just before they were murdered - Tell the World what Happened to Us Please ´well I think between us; my dad and I got their message out to the world via the Internet and it is something that those Girls from Lille never knew would happen .....

Felt very grateful to have been  Walking in the sun at Buchenwald.....Image result for images of sunshine and happiness


Thursday 9 October 2014

Day 174 - The pull of the polders - just because...


The Pull of the Poulders
An echo of the hope of the medieval Low Country emigrants to German lands is captured in the text of an old Flemish ballad:

“Naer Oostland willen wy ryden,
Naer Oostland willen wy mee,
Al over die groene heiden,
Frisch over die heiden.
Daer isser een betere stee
Als wy binnen
Oostland komen
Al onder dat hooge huis,
Daer worden wy binnen gelaten,
Frisch over die heiden;
Zy heeten ons willekom zyn.”[xix]

Tuesday 29 July 2014

Day 169 - Tell the world what happened to us please.....

My dad was given a message by some young children at Auschwitz from Lille to tell the world what happened to them!

My dad's memoir at - Flemish survivor of Auschwitz and Buchenwald concentration camps World War II.....

Monday 30 June 2014

Day 168 - Way to go Belgium team and dad!

Kudos to my dad for living an adventurous and happy life - despite being faced with extreme circumstances!

Tuesday 27 May 2014

Day 166 - Found my dad's last words May 26, 2014 - Here they are...Flemish survivor of Auschwitz, Buchenwald and Life ......

Very poignant for me!

Very likely his very last written words as he mentioned earlier in his draft that my daughter had just been born and he died 10 days after her birth. He survived Buchenwald and Auschwitz and I believe this had a big impact on his final outlook ....... and memoirs

August 1989

Page 229 - In his own words - no editing from me!

So here we go to another chapter in the table of imagination and fiction for the sake of preservation of the survivor.

A tribute to all my friends, far relatives and unknown people that will have to endure the ordeal of staying behind as there is no other land they want to be refugees in.....

So I returned back to Africa,  No dictators or tyrants could hold me.....

The Good Lord could release the imprisoned spirits better than I could without my help but what was the use if the wealth and knowledge was not spread by a poor medium like me.

Therefore I think it is up me to do it.  With the strength imbued in me I set out on this last voyage of ultimate success.

He left the door open...... 

Friday 2 May 2014

The Belgian flag and Buchenwald

Just found this by accident 

Memorial trip to Buchenwald

Date: February 29, 2012
The Institute of National Institute Veterans War Invalids, Veterans and War Victims (IV-INIG) is organizing a memorial trip to accompany the return to concentration camp Buchenwald a Belgian flag secretly crafted by political prisoners during their detention. 175 young students Ciney will participate from 1 to 4 March 2012.
This trip will allow students to discover the reality of the concentration camp Buchenwald and Dora Kommando (a subcamp of Buchenwald).
Visit Buchenwald will be punctuated by the rising national colors back to Buchenwald 67 years after release. This flag was crafted by Henri Glineur illegally deported for acts of resistance, with bits of stolen fabrics. He and his acolytes could be executed if the flag had been found in their possession. Yet it is this flag Henri Glineur raised to accommodate the U.S. Army liberated the camp. This flag is then passed carefully from hand to hand to celebrate democracy today back to Buchenwald.

I am Louis' daughter and have my own blog called Buchenwald's Belgian Daughter at

Friday 18 April 2014

Day 164 - Fort Du Ha - where my dad was imprisoned....

Construit dans la seconde partie du XVe siècle, le Fort du Hâ avait la même vocation initiale que le Château Trompette, à la fois la protection et la surveillance de la population bordelaise.
Mots clés : GirondeForts


La bataille de Castillon (17 juillet 1453) marque la fin de la guerre de Cent Ans et le début d'une grande vague de fortification en Guyenne. Charles VII ordonne la construction Château Trompette et du Château du Far (Fort du Hâ). La protection "officielle" contre les anglais cache surtout l'objectif de mieux surveiller la population locale.
Dans un document de délibération de l'Abbaye Sainte-Croix du 12 novembre 1455, il est fait mention pour la première fois de ces constructions et de leur concepteur Jean des Vignes. Pour autant sur ce point il n'y a pas de certitudes puisque selon certains écrits il n'en serait que le maître d'Å“uvre.
Le futur Fort sera comme pour le Château Trompette intégralement financée par la ville, en raison de sa trahison (ralliement aux anglais). La construction débute le 24 janvier 1456.
Dès sa mise en service, le Fort du Hâ abrite une partie des troupes royales de la garnison de Bordeaux. Mais outre l'aspect stratégique de la place forte, il devient en 1470 la résidence du duc de Guyenne, Charles de Valois, frère de Louis XI. On y trouve alors une cour renommée où on y donne des fêtes prestigieuses. Ceci sera de courte durée puisque le duc y meurt le 24 mai 1472.
Le 19 août 1548, des heurts surviennent contre les percepteurs de la gabelle. Ces derniers réfugies dans le Château du Hâ sont assiégés. Le château est pris et le lieutenant général de Guyenne, Tristan de Monenh, est massacré lors de l'assaut de la garnison du Hâ. Laissé libre, le logis est occupé par Antoine de Noailles, le maire de Bordeaux, faisant office de capitaine de la forteresse. Toutefois en qualité de lieutenant général de Guyenne, Charles de Coucy tente le 15 décembre 1562 de récupérer son "bien", chose possible finalement après le décès de l'indélicat locataire.
En octobre 1572, pendant les guerres de religion, le château abritera plusieurs protestants notoires, dont Benoist de Lagebaston, premier président du parlement de Bordeaux et Guillaume Leblanc, un avocat bordelais renommé.

XVI et XVIIe siècle

Le 23 mars 1593, Henri IV conscient de l'importance de Bordeaux et du danger qui guette, ordonne que des mesures soient prises pour s'assurer que Bordeaux soit maintenu dans son royaume. Toujours sous influence espagnole, la ville de Bordeaux peut à tout moment pencher en faveur de la couronne espagnole. Le 1er décembre 1593, le maréchal de Matignon, lieutenant général de Guyenne, s'empare du château. Il évite ainsi que la Ligue ne livre Bordeaux aux Espagnols. Le 8 août 1604, Henri IV ordonne la destruction de la forteresse mais la stoppera quelques semaines plus tard, le 31 octobre 1604.
Les troupes royales assiègent Bordeaux sous la Fronde en septembre 1650. Le château du Hâ contribue largement à la défense de Bordeaux. Partiellement détruit au début du XVIIe siècle, Louis XIV le fait réparer en 1654 et le dote de nouveaux éléments de défense. Vingt-cinq ans plus tard, Vauban se penchera sur les améliorations à y apporter mais rien de véritablement significatif ne sera entrepris. Résidence des gouverneurs de Guyenne durant ce siècle, il devient prison pendant la Révolution Française.

A partir de la Révolution Française

En septembre 1790, la Tour des Anglais devient une prison municipale, afin de palier à la saturations des prisons existantes. Le Fort du Hâ échappe une seconde fois à la destruction le 10 juillet 1791, alors qu'un décret prévoit purement et simplement sa suppression. Finalement le directoire départemental en obtient la gestion et y établit ses prisons. Quelques années plus tard, vers 1792 (pendant la Terreur), le Fort est saisi et devient bien national. On y établit une prison d'État qui verra passer de nombreuses célébrités locales.
Pour la troisième fois de son histoire en 1835, le Fort du Hâ voit sa démolition entreprise. Mais cette fois-ci, l'implantation d'un nouveau palais de Justice, construits par l'architecte Joseph Thiac, et de la prise ont raison de la grande partie de sa construction. Il ne subsistera que deux tours encore visibles aujourd'hui : la Tour dite des Anglais et la Tour des Minimes. Elles sont classées monuments historiques le 14 août 1845 (inscrites à l'inventaire supplémentaire des monuments historiques en 1965). Le palais de justice sera inauguré le 19 novembre 1846.
La prison du Hâ est utilisée par les nazis pour enfermer les opposants et les résistants., Édouard Daladier, Georges Mandel et le prince Louis Napoléon Bonaparte y seront enfermés un temps. La prison est désaffectée le 12 juin 1967 et les détenus sont transférés à la nouvelle maison d'arrêt à Gradignan. La démolition de la prison débute à la fin de 1969.
Le palais de justice est transformé en école de la magistrature en mars 1971. Elle sera inaugurée le 12 décembre 1972.


Dessinant un trapèze de 120 mètres sur 68 , le fort du Hâ était entouré par des fossés alimentés par la Peugue, un cours d'eau désormais disparu (canalisés dans les années 80/90).

Le fort aujourd'hui

Comme bien des monuments datant d'avant du XVIIIe siècle, il ne reste que peu de vestiges du Fort du Hâ. Aujourd'hui, seules deux tours, la tour des Anglais et la tour du Diable ont traversé les siècle. Les deux tours se situent désormais dans l'enceinte de l'Ecole de la Magistrature de Bordeaux. On peut parfois les visiter à l'occasion des journées du patrimoine.

Du fort du Hâ ... à l'Ecole Nationale de la Magistrature

 ... Entre 1940 et 1945, la prison du Hâ est toujours utilisée pour les prisonniers de droit commun mais elle sert désormais pour les Allemands, de centre de détention où vont se succéder de nombreux résistants et toutes les personnes arrêtées pour délits politiques. Elle est rebaptisée pour la circonstance « quartier allemand ».
Edouard DALADIER et Georges MANDEL comptent parmi les premiers détenus politiques gardés un temps au fort du Hâ. Après eux une longue liste d'hommes, de femmes et d'enfants va s'ajouter jour après jour sur les registres du fort du Hâ.
A la fin 1944, près de 5.000 internements administratifs sont recensés, mais rares sont les exécutions sommaires.
La paix retrouvée, le fort du Hâ n'en poursuit pas moins sa vocation d'activité carcérale. En juillet 1953, Marie BESNARD est transférée de Poitiers à la prison du Hâ à l'occasion de son second procès. Celle que l'on surnomme la « bonne dame » mais aussi « l'empoisonneuse de Loudun » est acquittée par la cour d'assises de Bordeaux, où son troisième procès a débuté le 20 novembre 1961...

Du fort du Hâ ... à l'Ecole Nationale de la Magistrature

(Photographie : La façade de la prison de Bordeaux. Aujourd’hui, il n’en reste que la « tour des sorcières «  (Crédit DR)).

Sunday 22 December 2013

Day 163 - Images for Louis Fynaut

Just surfing and went into Google Search and then clicked on Images for Louis Fynaut and was amazed and happy to see all the images compiled by Google or the invisible man!!! about my dad.

Best Christmas present ever.........I like the first one which is my dad's Buchenwald registration card with his picture - Buchenwald has shaped both my dad and my own life .......I now feel that he has finally got the recognition he deserved, woohooo
Way to Go ....  

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Day 162 - Reflection by one of Louis' children

Through my dad's war experiences, coupled with some of his later disappointments about attitudes and situations he experienced in life, some of which I experienced first-hand, has led me to the realization that he was right about many things and that:

A warrior accepts defeat.  He does not treat it as a matter of indifference, nor does he attempt to transform it into a victory.  The pain of defeat is bitter to him, he suffers at indifference and becomes desperate with loneliness. After all this has passed he licks his wounds and begins anew.  A warrior knows that life is made of many battles - he goes on ................Quote by Paulo Coelho

and also by the above author:

Making the decision was only the beginning of things.  When someone makes a decision he or she is really diving into a strong current that will carry him or her to places they never dreamed of....

My dad's memoir is at: or com

By Paula Fynaut

Scroll way back to Day1 of this blog for Louis Fynaut's memoir about his war and life experiences .......

Wednesday 28 August 2013

Day 161 - Louis' Fynaut's memoir and his daughter's interjections on war and my Dad's influence on me!

I have created a new blog for my Dad's memoir in a more logical order -  it is called: Surviving Buchenwald Flemish Style!

This blog evolved slowly and is like a first draft of my writing up my Dad's story during World War II.

He was geboren in Europe, Belgium and was from Ostende.   Unfortunately, in the initial recreation of my dad's memoir,I interjected with a lot of my own anecdotes, quotes, photos, opinions so after about blogging his memoir for about 120 days it became very mish mashy and his flow was lost a bit!!!

 His story starts at Day ....1 so there is a lot of scrolling backwards on this blog to get to the beginning!! My dad was imprisoned in France, Poland and Germany and finally at Buchenwald concentration camp near Weimer!

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Day 160 - DANIEL 12:3-4

And those who have insight will shine.......

Sorry wrong blog number but seriously what does it matter it is just a number!!!

My dad's concentration camp and war story starts at Day 1 - so unfortunately you have to scroll way back to get to the beginning - sorry about that! Maybe I should have started with the end and gone back to the beginning as I blogged!!!!!

Sunday 17 February 2013

Day 159 - John Lennon Take 2

You're just left with yourself all the time,
whatever you do anyway you've got to
get down to your own God in your own temple
It's all down to your mate!

My role in society or any other artist's role
or poet's role is to try and express whatever
they feel.
Not to tell people how to feel.
Not as a preacher, not as a leader but as
a reflection of all of us!

I posted the above on this blog by accident but realized John Lennon's quotes apply to my dad's story!  This blog is primarily about my dad's war stories plus his attitude to life in general!

Day 1 is an Introduction and then approximately Day 2 to about 110 are his experiences during World War II - after that I have added random information.

I also have my own blog at or com - in which I reflect on my own life experiences.  Have a happy time!

Thursday 7 February 2013

Day 157 - I was thrilled when

my dad's memoir received 10 hits over a year ago now!  It is great to see new hits, on a regular basis, from many different countries.  I am sure, he would have been thrilled if any body found his memoir helpful in any way, shape or form!

Way to go dad, I feel like I am still bringing your "slippers" to you!???  Woohooo....................................

Saturday 2 February 2013

Day 156 - Allied Airmen and Buchenwald!

I found this dedication in a book by Carol Matar.  It struck a chord with me as my dad survived Buchenwald and he also had a great respect for the Allied airmen who went to Buchenwald!

 "To the 168 Allied airmen shot down and sent to Buchenwald and to all airmen to whom we owe our freedom and also to my family who along with myself, might not even exist had Hitler prevailed."

..... was watching some silent movies on the liberation of Buchenwald - I definitely want to visit Weimar and Buchenwald in the near future!

Friday 18 January 2013

Day 155 - Autistic children!

Yesterday, I had the privilege of spending the day with 
a group of severely autistic children and their helpers.

Amazing Day!  The group and the individuals within that group helped me to see my own life much more clearly 
and enabled me to clear a block that has, up to now, prevented me from moving forward as seamlessly as I could

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Day 154 - Got as far as Oostende Belgium!

Due to a knee injury I didn't make it to Buchenwald this time but it probably turned out to be better in the long run as I stayed in Belgium for a few days in Oostende.

I managed to track down where my paternal family
have lived and been to in the past and also places my dad had mentioned in his memoir.  I even have a membership to the
Oostende Casino on the sea front!!!!!!

I may still get to Buchenwald in March!