Tuesday 15 March 2016

Day 187 - I got my days messed as I switch between my blog and my dad's.....My dad's story starts on this blog at Day 1 thru to about Day 135 ish!

This is a messy blog but in my view randomness is reality to a point!  However difficult, a true seeker gathers information from a variety of sources and makes their own conclusions.  Good Luck. 
My friend Nora once said, "Life is like a pendulum, sometimes it swings in your favor and sometime not but it always returns at same point to dead centre!

Day 2020 - Diversity of hits.....

I regularly look at my dad's blog data which is more far reaching in diversity than mine. 

Interesting!Image result for images of people with the earth on their bodies

Monday 14 March 2016

Day 2019 - Metaphorically speaking all my scabs fell off one night too and I thought of words from MY dad's memoir....

Except from mu dads's memoir, "How I survived Auschwitz and Buchenwald concentration camps" on Kindle, Amazon and Google.  

"One day, in a little cell like room, I became covered all over with big scabs, like Job in the Bible story.  Lacking in vitamins I suppose, or the food, I don't know! Maybe it was the fleas, lice and bug bites gone septic but it took its time to show up!

One night, I felt desperate and started meditating and was at the point of giving up when I came closer to God.  I even felt ready to confess to any priest and ask forgiveness for sins I hadn't even committed!

We were given time off to see a German priest in the chapel across from our cells.  Of course, we were closely guarded.  A man in a German uniform gave us a sermon and some prisoners asked if he could do anything to help us, to which he responded, "I will try."  I am afraid the man could do nothing at all, it was out of his hands but he certainly tried.

Then in all this,  my scabs fell off, in one night,  by themselves and what a relief that was more divine than any priest or traditional taboo could have achieved for me."

Image result for image of an eagle flying high in the sky